Bag Of Cows

How many Bits do you need?

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Question code: How many questions:
You can only have one go at each question - once you press the 'mark' button, that is your answer.

1 If you have 7 bits, what is the biggest number you can store?

2 If you want to store the number 1, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

3 How many bits do you need to hold 1024 different numbers?

4 If you have 5 bits, what is the biggest number you can store?

5 If you want to store the number 363, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

6 If you want to store the number 456, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

7 If you want to store the number 13, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

8 How many bits do you need to hold 16 different numbers?

9 If you want to store the number 104, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

10 If you want to store the number 29, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?